This is a basic 8- hour course designed for individuals with little or no experience in dealing with fire problems. The course focuses in on understanding the potential fire problem and how to handle minor emergencies. Emphasis is placed on life safety and initial emergency management. Additional information stresses the use of fire extinguishers, building evacuation techniques, fire prevention practices and pre-emergency planning. This course is recommended for employees assigned to respond to incipient fire emergencies and/or anyone who may be working in a high-risk or high-value area.
This course may range from 24-40 hours depending on the specific needs of the individuals assigned to the response team. Through classroom and practical exercises students will be introduced to all the various aspects of fighting a minor to moderate size fire. The course begins with lectures on fire behavior, safety and the roles and responsibilities of the emergency response team; we then discuss specifics of fire suppression, search/rescue and support operations such as salvage and ventilation; finally, students are given simulated problems to solve in practical exercises. This course is recommended for any employee who is presently or wished to be assigned to a structural fire brigade or emergency response team.
This course is primarily designed for students who have completed the basic structural fire training course or its equivalent. The course may vary between 24 and 40 hours and covers advanced concepts in firefighting such as the use of foam for combating class B type fires; dealing with hazardous chemicals on fire; techniques for sizing-up and assessing the fire problem; and, understanding water availability and distribution systems. Students will be challenged with a variety of simulated fire problems that test their reactions. This course stresses the importance of utilizing a team approach to solving the fire problem.
This course is primarily designed for students who have completed basic firefighter training and may be involved in fighting a structural type fire. The 16-hour class combines some lecture and case studies with a vast amount of skill work. Students will be challenged with a variety of real world scenarios that will require unique problem solving skills and will effectively enhance individual confidence and teamwork. This is a very physical class.
For more information, call Steve Wood at (804) 512-0911 or